cheryl 'cat' townsend



Making love to me now
is like falling into a
fat sleeping lamb
My poetry now
sinks like my tits
no matter how
hard I stab it
into the meat
of the paper
This is the best
time of my life
This is what
I have been waiting for
This is NOT
what I expected



7a.m. I stood
amongst pistils
stamens and
crazed carpenter bees
The smell of apple
and lilac blooms
making a nap
smell so good
but there is
too much to do

The clippers in
my hands
I swear I
felt every cut
Kissing the branches
Making it better

The magnolia
voluptuous blooms
Soft as my inner
I see through
the eyes of
Georgia O'Keeffe
and rub the
petals against
my cheek



click for larger view
Anemone Patch

Cheryl 'cat' Townsend

under moons
Under Moons

Pointless Music (2000)
A CD of poetry by Cheryl Townsend with music by Pointless Orchestra.
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melt in your mouth
[real audio only]

• click here for order info •

     Cheryl A Townsend used to publish she just collects the poetry and answers disgruntled mail from the senders. Ahh. She runs cat's Impetuous Books in Kent, OH...where she also pretends to be doing business. She does a lot of photography and thinks that's where all her poetic vision went. She is probably fatter than the last time you saw her.

New journal
(both e-version & print) w/interview/poems & photography
• book review with basinki - Landing On My Feet

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