sara T punk


!the BIGGUN hates YOU!


Happy Mother's Day

In a male/female relationship, there are four things that the male counterpart is expected to do:

    1. Buy dinner.
    2. Give occasional gifts without reason.
    3. Take care of home repairs... and
    4. Deal with car troubles.

In some cases, the woman involved will allow the man to get away with not buying dinner or gifts. This is not all that common, but it does happen. Regardless, all men know that they are expected to deal with his woman's car troubles and home repairs.

My mother is currently married - and has ben married for several years - to a man who apparently is not aware of the four expectations. He doesn't even comprehend the two givens.

Let me describe this man for a little clarity. His name is Mike. He's not anything special (or even pleasant), but he's arrogant... arrogant with nothing to be arrogant about. Not only is he arrogant, he's selfish, greedy and stingy. He is also rude, obnoxious and opinionated and he'll argue his point until he's blue in the face even if he knows he'd dead wrong and he speaks not facts, but things he's pulled directly out of his ass. He appears to be good for pretty much nothing but whining about his latest illness and fixing computers. However, you'd have one hell of a time getting him to fix a computer - or do anything - for you.

Regardless of her friends' and family's dislike for the little weasel and due to what I believe to be a lack of confidence, my mother remains married to and in a (semi) relationship with this man. She obviously loves him (at least a little) and from what I gather, she puts up with his shit because she thinks she's too old to do any better.

If Mike had a heart, a soul, or a brain, he would realize that the woman he is married to is one of the most wonderful women on the planet. He would pay for dinner and not insist on her paying half or bitching about the cost. He would send her flowers to brighten her day. He would fix the phone line that HE fucked up. He would get his ass on her roof and fix that too. He would deal with her current car troubles rather than giving her shit about the decisions she made regarding the vehicle.

He would take her out to dinner and buy her lovely gifts of appreciation for Mother's Day.




Sara T. Punk was born and raised in a vile little church town in northeastern Oklahoma. ...about 5,000 very oppressive people and 32 churches...'nuff said.

sara T punk

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