jeff filipski

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three faces twisted contorted reaching into void. subsequent. an ocean of thought all sand and sediment whirling vortex great hands rubbing crotch of universal whore. clanking glasses of blood wine in symbolic cannibal carnival. juice emitting from sacred hole tastes like goddess in evening flight. a tasty treat of conjoined fluids causing red fire nuclear pleasure on creamsicle skin and a ten inch tongue which reaches into loves dimension like giant probing worm to suck soul out of predatory cunt magnificent !! she coils and curls in writhing lust to submit carnal treasure back door effervescence. she smiles. ripping great tears from my eyes as satan marches out the end of penis timed like third reich goose stepping madness ejaculate. my liver wrings like washcloth in shower after scouring dreams for succulent answers. there are none. and i hear her breath. feel her heat. taste her brain on my pointed forked tongue. we are no longer two as bodies meld into superlative throbbing mass of sharp teeth and swollen minds lashed to main mast of fucked eternity. we float as one through eons of brain nerve synapses jerking and swerving into oncoming hearts of pining flesh. she, a perfect picture of I want to fuck you forever. And me... Searching for my wallet.....

Jeff Filipski

featured at the
art conspiracy

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Jeff Filipski is originally from Buffalo NY
An artist for over twenty yrs
A member of E.B.M.A. Jazz and Poetry Ensemble
His voice appears on "Enjambment"
His laugh appears on Kurt Nimmos "Bongo Moon
some of his visuals have appeared in:
Deluxe Rubber Chicken
Non Compos Mentis Press
Atticus Review
Pure Light
The Hold
Fubbles Press
There are others whose memories are mostly thought manifest several of which are a product of extensive brain damage and/or are simply not memorable enough to mention...
He tours florida with his artwork trying to convince tourists that his wild forms are really fish, indigenous wildlife, very disturbing still lifes and neuro-self-portraiture...

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