jim christ


the drug you were (for leapin' liz)

when I told you
that knockout almost 6 foot
goddesses like you
were blonde bombshells;
you went off all over
and exploded in a
fantasy of your own.

you repulsed me

in the same moment
I craved you

and smiled.

you're full of sugar
but you left
my mind starving.

our shallow
were wrapped in
one sided wit
that fell
when spoken
to the floor.

those delicious
yet haughty
blank stares
for everyone
were killing me
while I was throbbing
in anticipation
of something more

for both of us.

your blue emptiness
sadly reached
through the glow
of your cosmetics
as I waited
foolishly there.

the whines
and dines dragged by
and I kept
falling into
my own weaknesses and

the drug you were.


drumbeats that echo

he's thinking of marriage
long ago fallen off cluttered table
of indifference and innocence lost
waking from years
of push and pull heart tug of war

sifting through sand now clearly
an ashtray of burned crushed dead ends
as the band fades in distance
a parade of emptiness leans close
with changing eyes to seduce him no more

a weave of her words mends his skies
music of voice soothes his beast
they work with threads of all time
of drumbeats that echo
as the fray mends on


wrinkles in a mobius trip

below, conditions of littered streets
twist and turn on themselves

above, techno-waste remnants
twirl and linger around and around

roofed boxes are bleak echos
fill hills, dales and canyons

sphere spins with satellites
in trash accompanied orbits

arrows fly never landing
on pages of light

wrinkles get naked as mobius trips
return to the same as it ever was

human race on twisting track
circles like clockwork to war


jim christ

all things considered
(theotherside) audio
     author is currently a technical illustrator/graphic artist of northern california. he was born in New York and moved to Los Angeles in the mid 60's. After adolescence in LA and a tour in the Air Force, max relocated to San Francisco and then Sonoma County where he started a serigraphy studio and service as well as jobbing at everything from construction to truck-driving. As founder and manager of Wild Boar Productions, Jim promoted and produced Truck Competitions and Shows as well as musical events in small and large venues in the wine country of northern California as well as contributing studio work and graphix. Has been described as an ocean that's only six inches deep.

     At this time is assembling a body of work in linocut and woodcut in preparation for a show at the California Museum of Fine Art in Santa Rosa (this is going very slowly).

     When Jim isn't working, he's usually scribbling down these little groups of symbols that somehow paint the edges of this thing called life.

climbmax aka jim christ

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